
时间:2023-05-06 13:30:06 公文范文 来源:网友投稿


委婉语是人类社会中普遍存在的一种语言现象,它源于日常交际同时也服务于日常交际。作为一种重要的交际功能,它是为了达到理想的交际效果而采用的一种表达策略。由于语言交际是人类赖以维系社会关系和人际关系的重要手段,因此人们在交际中通常避免使用引起双方不快从而损害双方关系的语言,而采用迂回曲折的语言来表达思想、交流信息。因此委婉语自产生之日起,就担负着“润滑”交际的重任。“如果没有委婉语,世界的运转会因摩擦而停止,人间将充满仇怨,”正如美国学者Hugh Rawson所描述的那样,“委婉语如此深深地嵌入我们的语言。”



“禁忌语 (taboo) 是人们多数情况不能说或不想说的话。每个文化都有自己忌讳谈论的话题,这些话题源自于传统、宗教信仰、地区特征等多个因素。但更多的应该是关于生活中谁都忌讳但却不得不谈的生老病死、生活中的缺点缺陷等相关的话题。所以说禁忌语可以不说,而话不能不说,意思也不能不表达,因此人们就使用委婉语来代替禁忌语。比如英语文化中,關于死亡和生病的表达:常用go to the heaven (去天堂了),go to a better world (到极乐世界去了),go to another world (到另一个世界去),pay one’s debt to nature (向大自然还债了);pass away (去世了) 表示死亡,而不直接说die, kill等刺眼的词。我们经常用in a bad way, under the weather, out of shape, not in condition 来表示身体不佳;用 physically handicapped / physically challenged / the inconvenienced / physically disabled 来表示身体残疾的意思。


在日常生活用语中,出于礼貌,用一些模糊语言来表达自己的意思,避免双方尴尬。年老是西方文化中亘古不变忌讳的话题,因为在西方文化中,年迈预示着劳动能力下降,无用。也因此生出很多好听的委婉语:老年人被称为高级市民(senior citizens); 年长者 (the elderly); the mature (成熟) 或well-preserved man (保养得很好的人),另外把养老院称为 young town (年轻城) 或者nursing homes (疗养院), home for adult (成人之家);老年时代则叫做golden years (黄金时代)。有时用distinguished gentleman (尊贵的先生,婉指老人); grand dame (贵妇人,婉指老年妇女,老妇); seasoned man (经验丰富的人,历经沧桑的人,婉指老人)。再比如我们常用以下表达来表示怀孕:she is expecting; she is in the family way; she is knitting little booties; She is in a delicate condition; she is in an interesting condition; she is “well-along”; she is about to have a “blessed event”;she is “in trouble”. 关于职业,在西方国家,脑力劳动被视为高贵的工作,而体力劳动被视为卑微的工作,与脑力劳动者的报酬相差很大,为了避免卑微工作给从业人员带来的不安,人们将这些低微的职业委婉化,以抬高他们的身价。这一特点在很多行业得到体现。如:把head-waiter (侍者领班) 称为captain (总管);把dustman (垃圾清理工) 称为sanitary engineer (卫生工程师);把elevator (电梯服务员) 称为member of the vertical transportation corps (垂直交通大队队员);技术人员都称为engineer;机修工 (mechanic) 委婉地称为汽车工程师 (automobile engineer);屠夫 (butcher) 也委婉地称为肉类技术专家 (meat technologist);cosmetician、beautician (美容师) 代替hair dresser (理发师),gardener (园丁) 称为landscape technician (风景技师)。


随着社会的发展,国际形势的日新月异,很多新情况、新形势也在不断涌现。使用委婉语的动机已不单纯是避讳或照顾听者或读者的感情,而往往是为了达到说话者自身难以告人、无法直言的目的。因为某些原因不能答应别人的请求,直接说“No”不礼貌,就衍生出很多的委婉表达: Unfortunately, I’ve had a few things come up;I’m trying to focus on finishing off some other things; Sorry but that isn’t my strong suit. 生活中需要上厕所会表达为go to the rest-room; wash one’s hands; pass water; to relieve oneself; to do one’s business; get some fresh air; nature calls。教育方面的委婉语主要是出于尊重、赞美对方。在教师对待学生的态度和评价上,谈到 below the average student (成绩不好的学生) 时可以说:He / She is working at his / her own leve1. 他/她根据自己的水平学习。He / She can do better work with help.有人帮助他/她会学得更好。说到学生 stupid (笨)、slow (迟钝) 或者 lazy (懒),则用 under-achiever(未能发挥潜力的学生) 表示。用depends on others to do his / her work (靠别人做作业) 替代cheats in class (课堂上考试作弊);用has a tendency to stretch the truth (有夸大事实的倾向) 代替sometimes lies (有时说谎)。


1. meat technologist ______________________

2. powder room ______________________

3. She is in an interesting condition. ___________________

4. appearance engineer ___________________

参考答案:1. 屠夫 2. 上厕所 3. 她怀孕了。

4. 美容师



1. build on the rock表示“建立在牢固的基礎之上

源于《圣经》,第7章第21至27节记载,耶稣·基督(Jesus Christ)在登山室训中讲到什么样的人能进天国时说,“所有听我这些话而实行的,就像一个聪明人把房子盖在磐石上;纵使风吹雨打水冲,房子也不倒塌,因为它的基础立在磐石上。”(Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it did not fall: for it was founded on a rock.)在现代的英语中,人们用build on the rock表示“建立在牢固的基础之上”;用build on the sand 表示“建立于不稳固的基础上”。请看例句:

1) Labor unions are built upon the solid rock of the material welfare of the workers.


2) His plan, like a house built on sand, has no solid foundation.


2. cast pearls before swine 把珍珠丢给猪;明珠投暗

据《圣经·新约·马太福音》(Bible, New Testament, Matthew) 第7章第6节记载,耶稣·基督 (Jesus Christ) 上了山,对跟随他的门徒说:“不要把圣物给狗,也不要把你们的珍珠丢在猪前,恐怕它践踏了珍珠,转过来咬你们。”(Do not give what is holy to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.) 这个是与生活用品有关的俗语。

I won’t waste good advice on John any more because he never listens to it. I won’t cast pearls before swine. 我不再白费口舌劝约翰了,因为他从不听劝。我决不再对牛弹琴了。

3. fall from grace 失去恩宠;失宠;堕落;误入歧途。

该语源于《圣经》(Bible)。人类始祖亚当 (Adam) 和夏娃 (Eve) 由于偷食禁果而被上帝逐出伊甸园 (Garden of Eden),基督教称之为“人的堕落 (the fall of man)”。

He has assisted in extricating from the consequences of their folly several young girls of good family who had fallen from grace and could not otherwise be secured.


巩固练习:结合教材M11 U3 Grammar & usage,把下列句子翻译成中文。

1. During discussion with the Trade Union the government meets its waterloo.


2. Don’t shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him.


3. So I’ve almost got an Oedipus complex.





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