
时间:2023-05-16 13:30:08 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

[摘要] 白芷来源为伞形科植物,具有散风除湿、通窍止痛、消肿排脓的作用,临床上广泛用于治疗眉棱骨痛、鼻塞、牙痛、疮疡肿痛等症,是中医临床的常用药,主产于我国四川、杭州等地,其有效成分十分复杂,主要为香豆素类和挥发油。本文就白芷的化学成分、提取工艺、药理作用及安全性评价等几个方面,综述了白芷近年来的研究现状,表明白芷具有镇痛、抗菌、平喘、兴奋运动和呼吸中枢、光毒性等方面的药理作用,为白芷的进一步研究提供依据。但白芷的部分作用机制还未明确,尤其在组方中的作用机制尚不清楚,有待于进一步研究。

[关键词] 白芷;提取工艺;药理作用;临床应用

[中图分类号] R284.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)11(a)-0159-05

Research progress of Angelica dahurica for extracting effective components, pharmacological action and clinical application

ZHU Yixin1 LI Baoli1 MA Hongsheng2 LIU Yongxian1

1.Yan′an University, Shaanxi Province, Yan′an 716000, China; 2.The Affiliated Hospital of Yan′an University, Shaanxi Province, Yan′an 716000, China

[Abstract] Angelica dahurica is source of umbrelliferae plant. It has the funtion of eliminating wind and dampness. It also has the effect of relieving stuffy nose and wind the pain, swelling, empyema. In clinical practice, it is applied to traeting nasal obstruction, leucorrhea, sores and carbuncles. It is the traditional Chinese medicine clinical commonly used medicines. Angelica dahurica is mainly produced in Sichuan and Hangzhou of China. Its chemical constitution are very complex. However, its main components are coumarin and volatile oil. This paper summarizes the research status in recent years, starting from the chemical composition, extraction process, pharmacological effects, safety evaluation and other aspects in Angelica dahurica. All of these indicate that Angelica dahurica has phramacological function of relieving asthma and antihypertensive, exciting motion and respiratory center, antibacterial, inhibiting adipocyte synthesis and photosensitivity, etc.. These researches provide a basis for Angelica dahurica′s further research. But part of Angelica dahurica′s mechanism is not clear, especially in the formula of the mechanism is not clear. It remains to be further research.

[Key words] Angelica dahurica; Extraction technology; Pharmacological effects; Clinical application


白芷(Angelica dahurica)是中医临床的常用药,为伞形科植物,以独支、条粗壮、体重、质硬、粉性足、香气浓者为佳。最早见于公元前278年屈原的《离骚》,但未注明有药用价值。后在《神农本草经》中收载,列为中品药。白芷性温、味辛,归胃、大肠、肺经,具有发散风寒、通窍止痛、燥湿止带、消肿排脓等功效,临床常用于治疗阳明头痛、眉棱骨痛、鼻渊头痛、牙痛、风寒湿痹、疮疡肿毒、毒蛇咬伤等也用于治疗银屑病等症[2-3],均有较好的疗效。

白芷在我国各地来源很多,四川遂宁是白芷之乡,年产量3200 kg左右,占全国总产量的一半左右,也称川白芷。而浙江杭州一带栽培的白芷称杭白芷,现在安徽、江苏、浙江、湖南等地广泛种植。唐策等[1]将川白芷和杭白芷的煎液进行了药理研究结果发现二者并无差别。

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